Pot Leaf Air Freshener

Click to get Pot Leaf Air Freshener Item ID: #15234
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What's that smell? Kind of like a skunk burning incense in a septic tank. Oh, your car kinda smells like a Pot Leaf. That'd be the Pot Leaf Air Freshener you got from Stupid.com. It's just so rank it's great. All guests in your car or home will leave slightly aloof and with raging munchies. Spread out the tie-die blankets and lava lamps it's time to get real with this Air Freshener. Your coworkers will notice how you've changed and think the anger management classes have helped. Your hair will even be shinier than ever and you'll exude positive energies. All right, you're not getting high off this Air Freshener but it sure is funny and has a likable, musty scent. And please, please don't smoke it.

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